BC&E Members Only Crab Feast
August 11, 2021
5:00 pm - 7:30 pm
We reluctantly cancelled last year’s Crab Feast because of the pandemic. That’s not happening this year. So gather your colleagues and register now for what will soon be a sold-out event.
Here’s what to expect:
- Reuniting with colleagues and friends
- In-person networking to include a lot of “unmasked” smiles and hearty laughs
- Baltimore views on the water
- Lots of crab-cracking
Individual tickets and discounted reserved tables of 8 are available. Grab your colleagues and fill a table!
Individual tickets: $85 each
Reserved Table of 8: $650*
*If you are reserving a table of 8, please select that option in the dropdown menu below and provide only main point of contact for the registration. Please email Elisabeth Wainwright at ewainwright@bcebaltimore.org with your names of attendees by August 4, 2021.
If you do choose to attend a BC&E event, please keep in mind the CDC’s latest guidelines. By attending our events, you are willingly assuming all risks in relation to COVID-19 exposure. If you are sick or have general symptoms of unwellness, we ask that you please stay home.
Venue: Baltimore Museum of Industry