BC&E Leadership for 2025
BC&E welcomes two new board members: Emily Sales, Design Collective, Inc., and Ricky Venters, Hartman Executive Advisors. They both will serve a three-year term for the organization.
In addition to Sales and Venters joining the board, BC&E members voted for Dennis Walsh, Floors Etc, to return for another three-year term.
BC&E members also unanimously voted to have the Executive Committee return for another year: President Ted Bowes, Excell Concrete Construction, LLC; Vice President Jeff Hossfeld, The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company; Treasurer Thomas Koch, Plano-Coudon Construction; Secretary Marianne Crampton, MK Consulting Engineers, LLC; and Member-at-Large John Gregg, GWWO Architects.
BC&E thanks retiring board members Jonathan Goetz, Oak Contracting, LLC; Fred Marino, Design Collective, Inc.; and Doug McGinnis, Bunting Door & Hardware Co., Inc., for their commitment to the success of BC&E.