NAWIC Meet the Primes Speed Dating

  •  May 22, 2014
     3:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Join NAWIC and the Maryland Transit Administration’s Economic Empowerment Program for an A/E & Professional Services and Light Construction/Trucking/Supplier Meet the Primes “Speed Dating” Event with the 4 Shortlisted Purple Line Teams.

Thursday, May 22, 2014
3:00 PM – 7:00 PM
College Park Holiday Inn
10000 Baltimore Avenue
College Park, MD 20740

NAWIC will provide S/DBE firms with the opportunity to have dedicated, meaningful face time with all 4 of the Purple Line shortlisted proposer teams to market your firm and services in the hopes of making a match!

Representatives from the following proposer teams will be present:

  • Maryland Purple Line Partners
  • Maryland Transit Connectors
  • Purple Plus Alliance
  • Purple Line Transit Partners

This event will offer separate A/E & Professional Services and Light Construction/Trucking/Supplier sessions. Please select the top 3 NAICS codes that apply to your firm on the registration page (link below) so NAWCI can assign you to the appropriate session.

Please keep the following event ground rules in mind as you register for and prepare to attend this event so that things run smoothly:

  •    Only two (2) representatives per S/DBE firm are allowed to register for and attend this event; and both firm representative may only meet together with one representative from each proposer team, for a total of 4 “dates” – firm representatives may not “divide and conquer.”
  •    The event will be broken down into 2-3 separate time periods, and each firm will be assigned a specific registration time frame for check in and instructions – please provide a valid email address that is checked frequently at registration to provide for reliable communication of your assigned time frame and event period, additional instructions and other pertinent event details.
  •    Dates will last 5-8 minutes each, when the buzzer goes off, you must rotate – please be mindful of everyone’s time.
  •    Networking, exhibits and light refreshments will be provided prior to and/or after you have visited with all 4 teams.
  •    The only leave behinds allowed are business cards and a 1 page, double-sided company Capabilities Statement.
  •    If you are late, and miss your assigned registration period, you will not be admitted.
  •    Space is limited, and registration requests made after registration is closed will not be accepted under any circumstances.
  •    Walk-Ins will not be admitted under any circumstances.

Please register by midnight on May 18, 2014

 For A/E & Professional Services, please click HERE to register

For Light Construction/Trucking/Supplier, please click HERE to register

Venue Location: