Business Intelligence – July/August 2020
In the midst of all the recent challenges and changes, have you found new opportunities for your company and, if so, what is one of the most interesting opportunities?
Jesus Obregon
Project Manager
HDL Construction, Inc.
We’ve been faced with new challenges which have propelled us into strengthening our company, including relationships with our own leadership, workers in the field, suppliers and clients. The most valuable opportunity during this time has been investing in our own people by creating and implementing specific sets of tools for productivity, standardization, personal improvement and client engagement. We’ve put energy and resources into providing team members access to educational programs such as monthly foremen trainings, crash courses on construction management applications, workload digitalization, an employee book club and third-party certifications for our field workers on various construction areas and specialty products. By putting in the extra work, we can assist our clients in the bidding process for many more projects that require specialty products, and specific training for installation. This approach allows us to reshape and strengthen our company’s culture for collaboration, service excellence and client commitment.
Brett Schuck
Vertical Market Leader
In the 1970’s we learned that making buildings tight to save energy could create unhealthy indoor environments, leading to a focus on Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). Today, as we look to reoccupy buildings after COVID-19, we ask: how do we mitigate an airborne risk? Havtech, working with ASHRAE, industry experts and manufacturers, is focused on providing innovative solutions to today’s changing environment, such as proper filtration, UV-C lights and bipolar ionization technologies. Havtech offers exceptional service through building readiness assessments and IAQ monitoring solutions. Partners like Daikin promote concepts of holistic Air Intelligence. enVerid won the 2019 AHR Innovation Awards Product of the Year for their air scrubbing technology. We are unable to know what the future holds, but we will continue to partner with the best in the industry to provide solutions and exceptional service.